작성자 : 관리자 / 작성일 : 2022-04-18 / 조회수 : 62,702
● 교내 한국어시험 ●
1. 신청기간 : 2022.05.23(월)~05.30(월) *enter.mju.ac.kr 온라인 신청
2. 시험일자 : 2022.06.04(토) 11:00 온라인 시험
3. 시험결과 : 2022.06.09.(목) 온라인 확인
※ 상기 일정은 변동될 수 있음
※ 입학 지원일 기준 유효한 한국어능력시험(TOPIK) 성적표 제출이 불가한 경우 신청 가능
※ 자체 한국어 시험 기준 충족 시 한국어 수업 의무 이수 대상자에서 제외됨
단, 입학 후 6개월 이내 공인 한국어능력시험(TOPIK) 성적표(일반계열 4급, 예체능 계열 3급)를 제출해야 함
* 응시료 : 50,000원 * 송금 및 수취인 발생 수수료는 송금인 부담
- Bank name and account number: Hana Bank 521-910003-56804
- Swift Code: KOEXKRSE
- Address: KEB HANA Bank, 116 Myongji-ro, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17058, Korea
- Remittee: Myongji University
● Myongji University Korean Language Test ●
1. Application Period : 2022.05.23(Mon)~05.30(Mon) *online application (http://enter.mju.ac.kr)
2. Testing Date : 2022.06.04.(Wed) 11:00 online test
3. Test Result : 2022.06.09.(Thu) -Please check online for result
※ Schedule may be adjusted without advance notice.
※ Only available for applicants who are not able to submit the official TOPIK test result at the time of submitting the application.
※ Students who have passed the test will not be required to take additional Korean language courses.
(However, these students are required to submit the official TOPIK test result within 6 months from their admission.)
*Topik 4 required, except for Department of Arts and Physical Education (TOPIK Level 3)
*Fee : 50,000KRW *Transaction/Remittance fee will be paid by the sender.
- Bank name and account number: Hana Bank 521-910003-56804
- Swift Code: KOEXKRSE
- Address: KEB HANA Bank, 116 Myongji-ro, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17058, Korea
- Remittee: Myongji University
● 校内韩国语考试 ●
1. 申请时间 : 2022.05.23(一)~05.30(一) * enter.mju.ac.kr 网上申请
2. 考试时间 : 2022.06.04(六) 11:00 线上考试
3. 考试结果 : 2022.06.09.(四) 网上确认
※ 以上日程有变动可能
※ 以入学申请日为准,如不能提交在有效期内的韩国语能力考试(TOPIK) 成绩单,可申请校内韩国语考试。
※ 校内韩国语考试合格时,不用义务修读韩国语课程。
* 考试费 : 50,000韩币 * 汇款及收款产生的手续费由汇款人承担
- Bank name and account number: Hana Bank 521-910003-56804
- Swift Code: KOEXKRSE
- Address: KEB HANA Bank, 116 Myongji-ro, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17058, Korea
- Remittee: Myongji University