작성자 : 관리자 / 작성일 : 2022-05-23 / 조회수 : 21,898
1. For : Students without TOPIK certificate who are ① undergraduate applicants ② graduate applicants ③ new or future exchange/visiting students ④ students who have completed the credit requirement for the bachelor degree
2. Test type : MCQ with 4 choices each (total 48 questions/1 hour)
3. Test method : Online
4. necessary Materials : ① Mobile phone with camera ② Laptop or desktop computer with camera ③ Mobile phone stand or holder
5. Test registration period : 2022.05.23. Mon ~ 2022.05.30. Mon
▪ Registration fee : 50,000 KRW
▪ Submit your receipt to admission@mju.ac.kr with your name and payment date
6. Orientation day : 2022.06.02.(Thu) 11:00AM (2 hours session)
7. Test day : 2022.06.04.(Sat) 10:00AM (Duration: approx. 2 hours)
※ Students without the necessary materials who reside in Korea can take their test in Myongji University’s classroom if they write “Myongji Classroom” in the application